林研究室は東京科学大学 人間医療科学技術コース(材料系 C群)に属します。
Exploring biointerfaces with our original analytical techniques
Our research targets are
1. Development of new experimental approaches to investigate various surfaces & interfaces
2. Understanding of molecular processes at biointerfaces
(interfaces between artificial surfaces and cells (or biomolecules). Starting from the elucidation of fundamental interfacial phenomena, we propose their applications in industrial fields.
We are a team of people from various fields and nationalities with various scientific backgrounds and pursue the state-of-the-art research in this interdisciplinary field.
We always welcome foreign students from abroad.
If you have interests in working with us as a master or PhD student, please contact Tomohiro Hayashi (tomo[@]mac.titech.ac.jp) (please remove [])
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
School of Materials and Chemical Technology
also TH belongs to
Course of Human Centered Science and Biomedical Engineering
Institute of Science Tokyo
Recent News
Interview on the Japan-Taiwan collaboration
[paper accepted] Interaction of zwitterionic polymer brush films with ions
The following paper has been accepted for publication.
E. A. Q. Mondarte, X.-X. Zhang, X. Feng, Y. Shi, H. Xu, T. Hayashi and J. Yu, Anion-Influenced Hydration and Layering Vastly Modulate Polyzwitterionic Brush Responses, Macromolecules, 2024,
Link to the article
[book released] Drug Development Supported by Informatics
TH contributed one chapter in “Drug Development Supported by Informatics.”
Chapter “Design of Biomaterials Using Informatics“
[paper accepted] SAMs of thiols and thiocyanates
J. Noh, J. H. Lee, J. W. Han, G. Lee, S. Han, H. Kim, D. Seo, R. Kaizu, G. V. Latag and T. Hayashi, Effect of anchoring groups on the formation of self-assembled monolayers on Au(111) from cyclohexanethiol and cyclohexyl thiocyanate, Thin Solid Films, 2024,
Appeared in News paper in Taiwan
Our collaborative work was introduced in the news paper in Taiwan.
[paper accepted] electrocatalytic conversion of biomass-derived compounds
Our collaborative work with Prof. Chia-Ying Chiang’s group at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) has been accepted in Materials Today Sustainability.
M.-T. H. Pham, A. A. W. Yao, T.-G. Vo, T. Hayashi and C.-Y. Chiang,
Unlocking the Potential of Mixed-valence Silver Oxide for Electrochemical Valorization of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural into Valuable Products,
Materials Today Sustainability, 2024,
[press release] Transformation of glycerol
Tokyo Institute of Technology released these news.
(Jpn) https://www.titech.ac.jp/news/2024/069892
(Eng) https://www.titech.ac.jp/english/news/2024/069896
[paper accepted] Glycerol Electrooxidation
G.-S. Tran,C.-J. Chen,S. Maeda,S. Chikami,T. Hayashi,C.-Y. Chiang.
Tuning Selectivity toward Three-Carbon Product of Glycerol Electrooxidation in Borate Buffer through Manipulating Borate/Glycerol Molar Ratio.
Journal of Catalysis, 2024.
[paper accepted] Protein surface features analyzed by machine learning
The following paper has been accepted.
G. Hu, J. Moon and T. Hayashi, “Protein Classes Predicted by Molecular Surface Chemical Features,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2024,
[short review] 機械学習を用いたタンパク質分子表面の解析
日本化学会 コロイド・界面分科会の分科会誌: Colloid & Interface Communicationsに以下の総説を発表しました。
林智広, 機械学習を用いたタンパク質分子の表面構造の統計解析による分類・機能予測 (Beyond コロイド・界面化学×高分子), C & I Communication, 49, 2024, 3-5